7 Things You Should Know About Glaucoma Treatment

7 Things You Should Know About Glaucoma Treatment

Jan 03, 2022

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye problem that affects the optic nerve. The optic nerve is a part of the eye that is responsible for good sight. Glaucoma can result in loss of vision which occurs after the optic nerve is damaged.

Glaucoma signs and symptoms can go undetected unless you get an extensive eye exam from an optometrist near you. Although glaucoma is not curable, people have a higher chance of preventing loss of vision and further eye damages when detected early.

Here Are 7 Things That You Should Know About Glaucoma

1. Glaucoma has 4 Different Types

Open-Angle Glaucoma

This type of glaucoma is the most common. It is the hardest to detect because it almost doesn’t show any signs. If you don’t often visit the eye doctor for a routine eye exam, you wouldn’t be able to detect it. Although what causes open-angle glaucoma is unclear, researchers suspect that eye fluids that have refused to drain on time place pressure on the optic nerve and cause glaucoma. It can damage the optic nerve and cause a problem with eyesight. In due time, it can lead to blindness if untreated.

Normal-Tension Glaucoma

It is a type of open-angle glaucoma. People who have normal eye pressure have higher chances of experiencing normal-tension glaucoma. Also, if you have low blood pressure, heart problems, a family history of the disease, you might be at high risk of suffering from normal-tension glaucoma. Although eye doctors are not sure about the causes of normal-tension glaucoma, they know that treatments that lower eye pressure can prevent blindness.

Angle-Closure Glaucoma/ Acute Glaucoma

This type of glaucoma requires emergency treatment. It occurs when the external edge of the iris fails to allow fluid trench out from the front of the eye. In acute glaucoma, there is a speed in the buildup of fluid, leading to an immediate rise in eye pressure or distress. Unlike other types of glaucoma that take time to manifest or get worse, acute glaucoma can cause blindness within a few days if left untreated. You should immediately consult an eye doctor if you notice severe pain in your eyes, redness of the eyes, obscured vision, or nausea. Acute glaucoma is also known as narrow-angle glaucoma.

Congenital Glaucoma

This type of glaucoma is primarily genetic. It occurs more in babies. Unlike other types of glaucoma, fluids are unable to drain out naturally.

When a child is given birth with congenital glaucoma might show signs like extra tears production, cloudy eyes, and sensitivity to light. Early treatment can prevent permanent blindness.

2. Glaucoma can Affect Anybody

Although glaucoma can affect anybody, the following people have higher chances of developing glaucoma:

  • People who are over 40
  • Sickle cell patients
  • Diabetes patients
  • People with high eye distress
  • Patients with heart disease
  • People who have eye problems like short-sightedness and long-sightedness.
  • People who are African American, Inuit people, or descendants of Ireland, Russia, Japan, Hispanic countries, and Scandinavia countries

3. Doctors can only detect glaucoma early through dilated eye exams

Since glaucoma doesn’t show apparent symptoms, an extensive dilated eye exam is the only way to detect glaucoma and other eye diseases on time. It is an easy eye examination and painless as well. Get your eyes checked by a Cass, ST Optometrist near you today.

4. People who have had eye injuries before are at a high chance of developing glaucoma

Suppose you’ve had severe eye infections or obstructed blood vessels inside your eyes before. In that case, you might always need to see your eye doctor for routine eye exams because you are at a higher risk of developing glaucoma.

5. Glaucoma does not have early symptoms

Yes, glaucoma rarely shows early signs until it has gotten worse. However, you can prevent worst-case scenarios by normalizing eye examinations. In other words, glaucoma treatment is more straightforward when the eye disease is detected early. You can get glaucoma treatment in Cass, ST if you notice any unusual symptoms.

6. Glaucoma is hereditary

If you have a family history of glaucoma, you can be more likely to develop glaucoma. You should get scheduled appointments with your eye doctor for eye checkups.

7. If your eye pressure isn’t normal, you are at a higher chance of developing glaucoma

Although not everyone who has higher eye pressure might develop glaucoma, experts have noticed that they have a higher risk of damaged optic nerves.

At Eye MD Monterey-Cass, ST, we can help you discern what degree of eye pressure is proper for you. Book an appointment with us to get extensive dilated eye exams from us today.

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