Dry Eye Facts & Tips regarding How to Cure Naturally on Dry Eye Awareness Month — July

Dry Eye Facts & Tips regarding How to Cure Naturally on Dry Eye Awareness Month — July

Jul 05, 2023

Dry eyes are the most common complaint received by the optometrist Ryan Ranch from patients during winter. While it is challenging to avoid dry eyes in winter, there are steps you can take to ensure you keep your eyes hydrated and healthy during the winter season.

July is dry eye awareness month, and during the month, eye doctors recognize the essential role of your eyes and overall health. In America, over 5 million adults over 50 experience severe symptoms of dry eyes, and approximately 20 million have less severe symptoms. Unfortunately, the condition is twice as prevalent in women than men.

While proper care ensures dry eyes can be managed and treated, people experiencing the symptoms must consult their doctor to rule out underlying medical issues. Rarely dry eyes result in permanent visual impairment or blindness.

Below are answers to some frequently asked FAQs.

What Are Dry Eyes?

Healthy eyes have tears constantly bathing the cornea’s surface by tear flow across the cornea. As a result, the cells of the outer surface remain nourished from the constant lubrication and receive protection from dust, smoke, and wind. Tears also help vision improvement by allowing you to focus light.

Dry eye disease is a broad term covering many symptoms and signs associated with compromised lubrication of the eyes surface because of decreased quality of tears.

Is There Any Connection Between Tears and Dry Eyes?

The decreased production of tears results in dry eyes because it dries out the cornea’s surface. Whether you have dry eyes from natural weather conditions or an underlying issue is best determined by an optometrist providing dry eye treatment in Monterey after an examination.

If you have severe symptoms of dry eyes, it helps if you get yourself examined by the eye doctor to ensure your vision will not impair itself or result in vision loss.

Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurriness?

If you have the symptoms of dry eyes, you will likely experience irritated, scratchy, burning, or gritty eyes or a feeling of having something in your eyes. Blurriness associated with dry eyes is a symptom of an issue dry eye syndrome. However, blurry vision is not the reason for dry eyes. If you experience blurry vision with dry eyes, it indicates the presence of other health problems like lupus or Sjogren’s syndrome.

Dry Eye Treatment

There are many techniques to treat dry eyes and blurry vision. They are:

  • Eyedrops: The first line of treatment for chronic dry eyes is generally eyedrops available over-the-counter. They are also called artificial tears. However, optometrists may recommend prescription-strength eye drops if OTC eyedrops do not deliver results.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Making some lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, limiting screen time, and remaining hydrated by drinking more water helps keep your eyes hydrated.
  • Nutritional Supplements: Vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids can help decrease inflammation and contribute to overall eye health.
  • Home Remedies: Applying warm compresses to your eyes and resting them for several hours are home remedies for managing dry eye symptoms.

When To See a Doctor for Dry Eyes?

You must receive treatment from an eye care specialist if you experience the following symptoms.

  • Green or yellow discharge from your eyes indicates infections.
  • Weeping from your eyes that you cannot stop or control.
  • Headaches, nausea, or fever appear, along with blurry vision or eye pain.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Constant challenges of seeing things at a distance or close up.

Dry Eye Prevention

If you wish to prevent the symptoms of dry eyes, it helps to follow some best practices. They are:

  • Limit your daily screen time.
  • Ensure you drink plenty of water to remain hydrated.
  • Avoid smoking or dry environments.
  • Get seven to eight hours of sleep daily and use a humidifier in the bedroom to add moisture to the environment.
  • Protect your eyes from sun glare by wearing wraparound sunglasses.

If wearing contact lenses, you must take additional steps to prevent dry eyes. Contact lenses can cause dry eyes as an adverse effect. Discuss your contact lenses with your optometrist because they can provide lenses specifically created for the situation. Ensure you change the lenses as your doctor recommends to keep your eyes lubricated.

Dry eyes indicate many conditions of your eyes ranging from mild to severe. Use the month of July to become aware of dry eyes and get your eyes evaluated by visiting Eye MD Monterey if you experience its symptoms. You will receive advice on managing dry eyes or a treatment to help alleviate the symptoms.

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