LASIK Eye Surgery: Preparations and Expectations

LASIK Eye Surgery: Preparations and Expectations

Mar 01, 2021

LASIK eye surgery is more common today than before. People opt for this treatment type, which proves to be more effective than the rest.
The LASIK eye surgery in Monterey, ON, is the most popular laser eye treatment for correcting vision problems. Laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) has proven to be an excellent alternative to eyeglasses, contact lenses and other vision eye surgeries.

When you come for your eye appointment at the Eye MD Monterey, the optometrist in Monterey, ON, examines your eye to determine your exact defect. After establishing a problem, they use a special cutting laser to alter your cornea’s shape, thus improving vision.

When you have an eye defect, it’s usually the cornea that has a problem. Corneas for people with normal vision refracts light accordingly, allowing it onto the retina. For nearsighted (myopic) and farsighted (hyperopic) people, the cornea doesn’t bend light correctly, which results in blurred vision.

Glasses and contact lenses correct these vision defects, but changing the cornea’s shape is equally functional.

Why Is LASIK surgery Done?

LASIK eye surgery near you is done to correct the following vision problems:

  • Myopia – This eye defect causes the victim to become nearsighted. It means that they only clearly see objects that are relatively close but cannot clearly focus on far objects. Myopia occurs when the cornea elongates slightly more than the standard size, so it refracts too sharply. Therefore, light rays focus on the front retina, which causes a vision blur.
  • Hyperopia – This defect is the opposite of myopia. People suffering from hyperopia cannot focus on objects close to them. At times, even distant objects become blurry. The reason for farsightedness is when the average eyeball is smaller than usual, or you have a significantly flat cornea. The light, therefore, focuses behind the retina and not on it.
  • Astigmatism – Astigmatism occurs when there is an uneven curving or flattening of the cornea. This disrupts vision for both the near and far objects.

If you are considering LASIK eye surgery, you must have glasses or contact lenses. Your optometrist in Monterey, ON, will talk with you about if the LASIK eye surgery is the best procedure for you and if it will work.

How to Prepare

Take the following steps before reporting for your eye surgery appointment.

  • Know the costs – LASIK surgery is considered elective surgery, so insurance companies do no cover it. You got to be prepared to pay for it from your pocket.
  • Have someone to ride you home – You will need someone to drive you home after the surgery. This is because the medicine used during the surgery is still felt even after the procedure. Your vision might also be blurry moments after leaving the surgery place.
  • Avoid eye makeup – Ensure you do not use any eye makeup a day before and on your appointment day. Your doctor might also suggest that you regularly clean your eyelashes during the days leading to the surgery. This helps remove debris on the skin, which reduces the risk of infection.


Before the Procedure

Effects of LASIK eye surgery in Monterey, ON, last longer in people who were well evaluated before the treatment to ensure they are fit candidates for the surgery.

It would help if you stopped wearing contact lenses that can reshape your cornea two weeks before the day of evaluation for the procedure. Your eye doctor will guide you depending on the type of contact lenses and for how long you’ve worn them.

During the evaluation, the eye surgeon takes measurements of your cornea like its shape, contour, thickness and possible abnormalities such as dry eyes, large pupils, and eye infection. They will also discuss the benefits, risks and side effects of LASIK surgery and answer any questions.

During the Procedure

A LASIK eye surgery near you takes 30 minutes or less. Your doctor will issue some numbing drops in the eye and use an instrument to keep your eyelids open.

Next, before cutting the corneal flap, a suction ring is used on the cornea. This might cause a pressure feeling and might dim your vision a little. The eye surgeon then uses a blade or laser beam to disconnect the corneal flap and then folds it to access and reshape the cornea.

The cornea’s reshaping uses a programmed laser, where each laser beam pulse removes part of the corneal tissue. The optometrist then lays back the flap after a successful reshaping. The flap heals without stitches.

After the Procedure

Immediately after, you might have an itchy, watery or gritty eye. Your vision might also get blurred. A little pain is normal, and you recover vision quickly.

You might get some pain medication that will keep you comfortable hours after the procedure. Your eyesight stabilizes after about two to three weeks. You might also require a follow-up appointment two days post-surgery for the eye doctor to check for any complications and your healing progress.

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