Types of Glaucoma Treatment besides Surgery
There are different types of glaucoma, and the most common among them are open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma. The damage caused by glaucoma cannot be reversed. However, regular checkups and treatment help slow or prevent loss of vision, especially if the condition is detected in its earliest stages.
Treatment for glaucoma involves reducing the intraocular pressure depending on the patient’s individual situation. The optometrist in Monterey, CA, may prescribe eye drops, oral medication, glaucoma surgery, laser treatment, or a combination of the above.
Different Types of Glaucoma
As mentioned earlier, there are different variants of open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma. Some of them include pigmentary glaucoma, pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, neovascular glaucoma, uveitic glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, traumatic glaucoma, PXF glaucoma, and iridocorneal endothelial syndrome.
Glaucoma can also occur in babies when incorrect or incomplete development of the drainage canals of the eye occurs during the prenatal period. This rare condition may be inherited. When the situation is not complicated, microsurgery is used to correct the structural defects. Other cases are treated with medication and glaucoma surgery.
The Treatment for Glaucoma
The treatment for glaucoma begins by lowering the intraocular pressure using any one of the methods described earlier.
Glaucoma treatment generally begins with eye drops prescribed by glaucoma treatment in Monterey, CA. The eye drops can help reduce the high pressure by improving the drainage of the fluid from the eye or reducing the quantity of fluid the eye produces. More than one eyedrops may be prescribed depending on how much the eye pressure must be reduced.
The prescription eyedrops recommended may include prostaglandins, beta-blockers, miotic or cholinergic agents, Alpha-adrenergic agonists, and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.
Patients may experience some side effects unrelated to the eyes because the medication from the eyedrops is absorbed into the bloodstream. Patients are recommended to close their eyes for a couple of minutes after putting the eye drops to minimize the absorption. Patients can close the tear duct near the nose for one or two minutes after putting in the eye drops. Any unused eyedrops must be wiped off the eyelid. Patients who have been prescribed multiple eyedrops or need to use artificial tears must ensure they space them apart by waiting at least five minutes between two types of eye drops.
Oral medications are prescribed if the eye pressure cannot be reduced to the desired level by the eyedrops. Generally, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor is prescribed in such cases, which can result in specific side effects such as frequent urination, depression, stomach upset, kidney stones, and tingling in the fingers and toes.
Laser therapy and various surgical procedures are also recommended as a treatment option by doctors either to improve the drainage of fluid from within the eye to lower pressure. The types of procedures prescribed are laser therapy, filtering surgery, drainage tubes, and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery.
After the procedure, patients must see their doctor for follow-up exams. They may also need to undergo additional procedures if the eye pressure continues to rise or other changes occur in the eye.
Treatment for Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
Acute angle-closure glaucoma is considered a medical emergency, and patients diagnosed with this condition need prompt treatment to reduce the pressure in the eye. The procedure for this condition requires medication and laser or other surgical processes.
Patients may require a process known as laser peripheral iridotomy, where the doctor creates a tiny opening in the iris by using a laser. It is to allow the fluid to flow through it to relieve eye pressure.
Lifestyle and home remedies may also help patients to control high eye pressure or promote the health of the eyes. Patients are recommended to have a healthy diet, exercise safely, limit caffeine intake, take prescribed medication, sleep with their head elevated, and drink moderate amounts of fluid during the course of the day.
Patients must understand when they receive a diagnosis of glaucoma, they are potentially encountering lifelong treatment with regular checkups and the potential of progressive vision loss. Meeting and discussing the problem of glaucoma with other people who are affected is significantly helpful because many support groups exist for help for this condition. Patients can check with hospitals, the optometrist in Monterey, CA, and online resources for support groups that are also available.