What are the Causes and Treatment Options of Glaucoma?

What are the Causes and Treatment Options of Glaucoma?

May 02, 2022

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a medical condition that damages your optic nerve leading to vision loss. It often occurs from high pressure formed in the eye. It progressively damages your optic nerve, an irreversible condition. This condition affects seniors more, but it can occur at any age (even children).

The eye surgeons at Eye MD Monterey – Upper Ragsdale have the latest diagnostic and treatment options to ensure they provide early detection and the most effective glaucoma treatment in Monterey, CA. In addition, our doctors are board-certified and highly qualified to diagnose and treat glaucoma.

We have explained a few things that you need to know about glaucoma below.

What are the Types of Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an umbrella term for multiple eye conditions that affect the optic nerve. Although all types of glaucoma have a similar effect on the eye, their symptoms and treatment may differ. Types of glaucoma include:

Open-Angle Glaucoma

This is the most common type of glaucoma. Its effect occurs gradually and is usually painless, which goes unnoticed for a long time. In this type, fluid can’t drain out of your eyes due to clogging or your eye producing too much fluid. This fluid builds up pressure and damages your optic nerve.

Open-angle glaucoma has no symptoms at an early stage, but you may notice a reduction of peripheral vision. For example, you might find yourself missing a letter when reading, or you don’t see all objects around you.

Acute Angle-Closure Glaucoma

In this type, the cornea and the iris move closer together within the eye, closing the angle between the two parts of the eye. This type is painful and causes fluid to build up in the eye because the fluid cannot drain properly, damaging your optic nerve.

Symptoms can include:

  • Severe headache
  • Redness and pain in the eye
  • Different-sized pupils
  • Halos or rainbows around lights
  • Blurry or hazy vision

Normal-Tension Glaucoma

This type occurs when your eye’s optic nerve occurs at normal pressure levels of the eye fluid. Since eye pressure is normal in Normal-tension glaucoma, unlike in other types, doctors don’t know what causes it.

It doesn’t show symptoms early, but you may notice a loss of periphery vision. In addition, your vision narrows as the condition worsens.

Having looked at the types of glaucoma, let’s look at how it is tested.

What are The Tests for Glaucoma?

It is possible to be tested for glaucoma. Typically, the tests include dilated nerve exam, optical nerve testing, ocular pressure testing, and optic nerve analysis. The good thing is these tests are non-invasive, and the results are available immediately.

Our eye doctor in Monterey will discuss the results with you during your visit, and below are treatment options they might suggest.

Treatment Options for Glaucoma

Although glaucoma causes irreparable damage to the optic nerve, it can be treated, and visual loss can successfully be prevented if diagnosed early enough. The treatments help to alleviate the pressure that has built up. The treatment options include:

Eye Drops

Our eye doctor will recommend various medications to help the fluid outflow or reduce its production. In addition, pain medication may be prescribed to you if you have acute-angle closure glaucoma. This is usually the initial treatment.

Laser Therapy

Our optometrist near you may recommend a laser peripheral iridotomy. This is a non-invasive procedure that is appropriate for some forms of glaucoma. The lasers help with the outflow of the eye fluid, reducing the pressure on your optic nerve.

Eye Surgery

If the eye drops or laser therapy do not work, eye surgery is the next option. A glaucoma drainage implant surgery will be performed to improve the outflow of the aqueous humor.

Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness. It is highly treatable when detected early. However, if left untreated, it causes irreversible damage to your eye, leading to blindness. Some forms of glaucoma occur gradually, and people suffering from it do not realize it until it’s too late.

The good news is we have an optometrist to examine and treat your glaucoma. Early diagnosis is important, so book an appointment with our office for an eye checkup. If diagnosed with the condition, we commence the glaucoma treatment. The best time to prevent loss of vision is today.

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